Animal health, farmer economics & climate change are inextricably linked
Mootral believes that embedding health benefits and productivity gains into climate change mitigation solutions is the only way forward for sustainable animal agriculture.

Mootral’s R&D puts animal health, farmer economics and planetary outcomes on an equal plane.

To produce food in such a way that is good for people, mindful of animal welfare, and helps restore the earth rather than deplete it, it is imperative we tackle all three of these issues together, rather than piecemeal.
"We must move at climate speed. Not government speed, board level speed, academic speed, but climate speed. To mitigate agricultural impact on climate change, is to future-proof farmers’ ability to feed eight billion people."
Thomas Hafner
Founder and CEO

Intensive farming, driven by formidable productivity targets and ever finer margins, is untenable. It is not only depleting Earth’s ability to keep on giving, but it is making it impossible for farmers to keep producing the food our lives depend on.
Antimicrobial resistance is another side of this same coin. Preventative use of antibiotics to manage animal health exists to keep up with the demands of the intensive production practices.
Mootral is on a mission to help farmers produce high quality food that is good for people, animals and the planet, in a way that allows the farmers themselves to thrive.

Three fundamental principles guide Mootral’s product development:

Health benefits and productivity gains must be embedded in our approach to climate solutions. Without healthy animals there can be no productivity gains or better climate outcomes.

Farmer economics are a key lever in enabling change at planetary scale. Our CowCredits are an in-demand global standard for high quality carbon credits that drive finance back into agriculture. It is only by understanding what farmers need and the impact innovations have on their animals that solutions can take hold.

We are technology agnostic. Having the right solution for the right animal and setting means respecting the complexity of highly adaptable animal microbiomes. We must remain agile in order to reduce scientific risk, align with an ever-changing regulatory landscape, and make sense of supply chain opportunities.